Peer Reviewed University of Newcastle Research on PyroAg Wood Vinegar

Effect of Pyroligneous Acid on the Microbial Community Composition and Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) in Soils  PyroAg research carried out by Global Centre for Environmental Remediation, College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle (UoN), is now peer reviewed, accepted and published in the highly regarded Soil Systems Journal.  

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I sent these photos to show what happened to the phytophthora infected trees after they were treated with microbes and Pyro Ag. Within only 7-10 days after 2 applications, the bare trees exploded with a new flush of growth. They were looking like they would all die but have now come back to life. I […]

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The Habitual Gardner

I have had a moment to sit and think and hope this helps. Growing vege and fruit in Perth has become more difficult every year as the temperatures in summer get higher and the water resource is scarcer and more expensive . Add to this the yearly shift in the seasons and things are changing! […]

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